Sharon Housing Partnership

Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2007    Approved November 7, 2007


In attendance: Jane Desberg, Susan Saunders, Alan Lury, Mary Tobin, and Warren Kirshenbaum.


Voted to approve: Minutes of August 1, 2007

There was no meeting on September 5, 2007 due to lack of quorum.


Meeting Time

The group discussed changing the time of meeting from morning to evening. Group was asked to consider as an option. 


Formation of Partnership

The mission statement and press release concerning the original formation of the Sharon Housing Partnership in 1988 was distributed.



The second application for an Eastern Bank grant toward the costs associated with the affordable home at 9 Glenview was denied.


Chapter 40B Project Updates

Avalon- Jane Desberg attempted to reach the contact person for this development to find that she had been reassigned. It appears work is progressing quickly at this site. Jane will follow up on this.

Simpson Development- The original deal for the project to connect to Walpole’s MWRA sewer system has fallen through. Simpson is now in the process of working with the Carriage Lane development to secure land for Simpson’s septic system. Carriage Lane is scheduled to present a new proposal to ZBA on October 24.

Sharon Commons- Attorney for this project was contacted and suggested that the developer is only focusing on the retail aspects of this project at present. He was asked to keep the SHP informed.

Wilbur School- Jane Desberg contacted Beacon Properties. This project is still in very early preliminary planning stage. Warren Kirshbaum explained the tax credit process for the development of affordable housing. It is most beneficial for the Town and the Housing Partnership to be involved in the early stages, particularly in regard to the developer’s application for tax credit approval to DHCD. Warren suggested that he will get in touch with Andrew Goldberg of the Sharon Affordable Housing Trust to discuss setting up a meeting to work with the Selectmen and the Housing Partnership on this opportunity. Jane Desberg will write a letter to the Selectmen explaining the need and benefit of having the Town’s housing committees included in the early planning process.



There are three articles concerning Brickstone on the November Town Meeting warrant. These were brought forward by the citizen’s group Neighbors Against Destructive Development (NADD). Article 1 seeks to eliminate the Senior Living Overlay District (SLOD) Bylaw approved at the 2007 Annual Town Meeting. Article 2 would reduce some of the dimension standards in the SLOD By-law. Article 3 would require that the project obtain a “special permit”. Discussion followed regarding the fact that the Brickstone project had been duly voted on at Town Meeting. Mary Tobin stated that NADD had obtained Selectmen’s Executive Session minutes concerning Brickstone and that  NADD felt that all options for the property had not been fully presented to the voters.


Warrant Article-9 Glenview Rental Income

Copies of Article 22 were handed out. Jane Desberg had been in touch with the Selectmen concerning this Article. There was discussion about the need to change the wording of the last sentence regarding Fiscal Year expenditures because the house is under lease until September 1, 2008. 


Warrant Article- Inclusionary Zoning By-law

The AMI for affordable ownership has been lowered from 80% to 70%.This agrees with DHCD standards. If on-site affordable housing, developer must provide 12.5% affordable units. If new affordable dwellings are constructed off-site 15% of the total number of units must be affordable. If existing units are rehabbed for affordable housing off-site, 12.5%.Under the IZ By-law developers can also purchase deed restrictions from existing homes to comply. On October 17 the Planning Board will hold a hearing on the IZ By-law.


Budget Request to Town

The Partnership hasn’t yet sent a letter to the Selectmen to request a $1000 yearly budget to cover the costs of conferences, CHAPA membership, etc.

Jane Desberg went before the Selectmen to request permission to set up the Sharon Affordable Housing Project and Donation account.  Jane will ask Peg Aguimbau about whether this fund, set up similarly to the Conservation account, can be used for tax deductible donations. Ben Puritz suggested that the uses of the account should include affordable housing maintenance.


Old Business

The money left from the Winslow Road project is held by DHCD. Only a small amount remains from the feasibility study.


New Business

Affordable Housing Opportunities-Foxboro has built an approximately 20 unit affordable and low income rental housing development on the old State Hospital site using public and private funds. The development consists of modular duplexes and one triplex. This project is a good model for other towns, particularly if the town provides the land to build.

Publicity for SHP Draft Article- Mary Tobin will resend by e-mail to the group for review.

ZBA- Jane will write a letter to the ZBA asking for the SHP to be put on their agenda.